
    In line with the objectives for which the University of Continuous Education was established and its strategy as a national institution for continuous education, and from its belief in its mission and awareness of its role in establishing a culture of continuous training, the University has initiated the qualification of programs closely related to the real needs of the job market. The University has completed several projects in the field of training and signed several agreements with economic operators as well as administrative institutions, in various training programs aimed at enhancing the productivity of administrative and economic institutions.

   The activities carried out by the University of Continuous Education since its establishment to this day can be summarized in the following points:

   In terms of the number of trainees: Training started in 1991 with 40 employees, reaching 4,792 employees and staff from various economic and administrative institutions in qualifying training. Additionally, approximately 708 trainees were trained in specialized postgraduate training.

In terms of the number of training: programs Since the establishment of the University of ContinuousEducation, the number of training programs has reached 330 in various specializations.

   The requested specializations often revolve around finance, human resource management, computer science, secretarial work, communication, law, archiving, and languages, in addition to conducting professional competitions, etc.

In terms of the number of institutions benefiting from the training Whether economic or administrative, the number has reached 100 institutions, including but not limited to:

– Ministry of Finance

– Ministry of Interior and Local Government

– Presidency of the Republic

– Ministry of Justice

– Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

– Municipalities

– Saidal Company

– National Rural Engineering Company

– Sonatrach Company

– National School of Journalism

– General Directorate of Prisons Administration

– Qualification of training programs closely related to the real needs of the job market.

– Providing training on demand for all employees at various levels.

– Developing continuous training in collaboration with institutions and sectors.

– Organizing improvement and renewal training sessions for benefiting sectors upon request.

– Creating a bridge of cooperation between the University of ContinuousEducation and the outsideworld (economic and administrative institutions).

– Applying all methodologies and techniques deemed suitable in the field of training.

– Enabling trainees to acquire skills and capabilities in their field of work.

– Enhancing the productivity of administrative and economic institutions.

The University has kept pace with the economic reality and the real needs for competencies in various sectors by developing and providing tailor-made training programs for public and private institutions. The University has offered specialized training for more than 20 ministerial sectors to date, including training 78,000 teachers for the Ministry of National Education under the 2005-2015 plan, 64,000 teachers for promotion purposes, and 3,000 employees for the Ministry of Justice, in addition to qualifying training programs (such as the training program for 1,571 municipal leaders).

The University of Continuous Education, based on a work agreement with the public service departments, provides training for administrative assistants affiliated with the public service in an open and distance learning format. More than 8,841 employees have benefited from this, in addition to numerous training programs for economic sector institutions in management and economic intelligence.

  1. Training for Level Improvement

Aims to improve the level of all users and staff in their field of specialization to update their professional qualifications and capabilities.

  1. Training for Knowledge Renewal

Primarily involves lectures given by specialist professors in specific fields through the organization of study days, seminars, or conferences aimed mainly at a specific category of users.

  1. Specialized Postgraduate Training

Specialized postgraduate training consists of long-term specialized training that combines theoretical (lectures) and practical (workshops) aspects and concludes with the preparation of a graduation thesis.

The University of Continuous Education has also scheduled training programs with new partners such as

– The Research and Development Center.

– The National School of Political Science.

– The Institute of Veterinary Science.

– The National School for Clerks of the Court.

   The University aims to develop a comprehensive plan to enhance harmony and cooperation with bodies and institutions through implementing training courses for staff.

   Finally, in the face of the challenges and developments in the field of open and distance learning in Algeria, the University has strengthened its infrastructure and modern technological means to ensure effective technical support for the use of this system and to have a role in promoting open education plans in Algeria.

Modes of Continuous Training:

1.Qualifying Training:

   Qualifying trainings are directed towards all categories of employees at all academic levels, aiming to improve performance and acquire new skills. The duration of these trainings is determined in agreement with the benefiting institution and can be short, medium, or long-term based on the needs of the trainees.

Qualifying Training Modes:

1-Short-term Training (PCD)

2-Medium-term Training (PMD)

3-Long-term Training (PLD)

The target audience includes all employees from the lowest level up to the university level.

2-Specialized Postgraduate Training:

   Specialized postgraduate training consists of long-term specialized training that combines both theoretical (lectures) and practical (workshops) aspects and concludes with the preparation of a graduation thesis.

Objectives of Specialized Postgraduate Training:

   Renew knowledge and acquire modern techniques to make appropriate decisions faced by managers in their field of work.This specialized training primarily targets university graduates and institution executives.

   At the end of the training, the intern receives a specialized postgraduate diploma.

Open and distance learning relies on the modern interactive technologies provided through distance learning platforms. These platforms include spaces that define the role of each element and the spaces they can access, as well as the communication, organization, and collaboration tools available to them. Each type of user has a specific space. The learning platform also includes electronic courses and a set of synchronous and asynchronous communication and interaction tools.

PGS Open Distance Learning

- Special for institutions affiliated with the public service.

- Common frameworks.

- Special frameworks.

Open distance learning covers the following specializations

- Law.

- Human Resource Management.

- Public Management.

- Information Technology.

- Documentation and Archiving.

- Accounting.

- Public Finance.

Open and Distance Learning Cell

The Open and Distance Learning Cell is committed to enhancing and consolidating the University's message and objectives in training according to best practices and methods of open and distance learning, aiming to develop the performance of employees at public institutions.

Since 2010, the cell has ensured mandatory training for the shared and special frameworks affiliated with the public service as part of complementary training before promotion, and since 2013, in the preparatory training mode during internships.

Responsibilities of the Cell

- Preparing training programs in coordination with the institutions and administrations concerned with training.

- Designing educational materials according to the reference texts organizing the training course.

- Ensuring the continuity of study through the educational platform and the regional centers affiliated with the University.

- Preparing curricula and tools for monitoring the distance learning system.

- Organizing exams for regular and supplementary sessions.

- Ensuring mechanisms for evaluating the distance learning system.

- Training the active elements within the training system in the fields of

- Pedagogical design of lessons.

 - Technical design of lessons.

- Pedagogical supervision.

Tools and Technology Used in Open Training

The University of Continuous Education, through open and distance learning, has relied on using a set of tools and techniques including

- Digital educational platforms.

- Audio-visual lessons.

Adopted Training System

The University of Continuous Education has adopted a hybrid training style in open and distance learning that relies on online education using educational platforms, and in-person study through gatherings at continuous education centers, maintaining personal and direct communication between the elements of the educational process.

Teaching Staff

The University relies on university professors holding master's and doctoral degrees for training, in addition to practicing associate professors from public institutions and administrations.

  1. Complementary Training Before Promotion

Legal Framework for Complementary Training

The decree dated December 19, 2019, serves as the legal framework for complementary training in the administrative field, ensuring the preparation and training of employees before their promotion to their respective ranks in various branches of public service.

Ranks Targeted by Training

Nine-Month Category Includes positions such as

- Administrative Controller.

- Assistant Administrative Controller.

Six-Month Category Includes positions such as

- Administrative Attaché.

- Chief Administrative Accountant.

- Administrative Accountant.

- Technical Assistant in Statistics.

Seven-Month Category Assistant Engineer in Statistics.

Training Specializations


Human Resource Management.

Public Management.

Information Technology.

Public Finance.


  1. Preparatory Training during Internship

Reference Framework for Training

Preparatory training during the internship for shared frameworks affiliated with public service is subject to the provisions of Instruction No. 02 dated January 3, 2009.

Duration of Training Three months.

Ranks Involved in Training

- Administrative Attaché.

- Chief Administration Clerk.

- Administration Clerk.

- Office Clerk.

Training Programs

Training programs are subject to the reference texts organizing this type of training and include several specializations such as:

- Law.

- Human Resource Management.

- Administrative and Institutional Organization.

- Administrative Writing and Methodology.

Statistics of Open and Distance Learning Across Sessions:

1- Number of Trainees Enrolled in Training Courses for Shared Frameworks:

2- Number of Trainees Enrolled in Training Courses for Special Frameworks:

  • Count of trainees according to the training mode before promotion 2023/2013:

الدورةمارس 2013مارس 2015ديسمبر 2018ديسمبر 2020فيفري 2021مارس 2023
عدد المتكونين8686155976


الدورةجانفي 2014مارس 2015مارس 2017مارس 2018نوفمبر 2021مارس 2023
عدد المتكونين71176148295981744

الدورةجانفي 2014ماي 2015نوفمبر 2022
عدد المتكونين606106283439