Outcomes of the Coordinating Meeting Held at the University of Continuous Education
Media and Communication Cell
From the outcomes of the coordinating meeting chaired today by the university rector, Dr. Yahya Jafri, which included vice university rectors, interface officers, field heads, regional directors of Central 1 and 2, directors of capital centers, some heads of specialties, and the head of the quality cell, the following decisions were made:
A non-extendable three-day period (January 22, 23, 24, 2025) is granted for all fields and specialties to submit appeals remotely, as we will have completed publishing all activity grades.
For the publication of attendance exam grades, they will be published on the Progress platform, and the appeals will also be online during specified periods which will be communicated later.
For the second semester, the platform will open starting January 25, 2025, and in-person gatherings will start from February 1, 2025.