Weekly Activities Report of the Centers
The University of Continuous Education
Media and Communication Cell
Centers’ Summary:
Guelma Center:
A study day on the role of digitization in improving public service and combating corruption in Algeria.
El Bayadh Center:
An awareness day on health security will be organized on Saturday, January 25, at the amphitheater of the Paramedical Institute. The event is open to the public.
Aïn Témouchent Center:
A study day on the mechanisms for implementing a startup.
Mascara Center:
An awareness day on field internships specifically for third-year Bachelor’s students in Accounting and second-year Master’s students in Accounting and Public Management.
Naama Center:
A joint meeting was held between Professor Khettir Toufik, the Director of the Center in Naama, Professor Safi Habib, and Dr. Bedawi Abdelhamid, Director of the Intensive Language Teaching Center. The meeting focused on enhancing cooperation between the University Center of Naama, the University of Continuous Education, and the Intensive Language Teaching Center, with an emphasis on developing quality training programs targeting teachers and staff.
A broad meeting was held, including administrative and pedagogical staff and employees.
A meeting was held regarding the organization of awareness days for students registered at the center to participate in the doctoral competition.
Tipaza Center:
An informational day was held on Saturday with the attendance of Bachelor’s and Master’s students on the topic of how to prepare a graduation thesis under Ministerial Decision No. 1275, which outlines the preparation of the thesis project to obtain a Master’s degree, aimed at promoting entrepreneurial culture in the university environment.
M’Sila Center:
A training day and workshop were held within the framework of startup projects under Decision 1275 for the benefit of graduating students.
Classes commenced for first-year Master’s students specializing in transparency and combating corruption.