University of Continuous Education

 Visit of Professor Yahia Jaafari, the Rector of the University of Continuous Training, to Adrar University Center

Visit of Professor Yahia Jaafari, the Rector of the University of Continuous Training, to Adrar University Center

   On February 29, 2024, Professor Yahia Jaafari, the Rector of the University visited Adrar Center where he was received by the center’s director and officials. The visit provided an opportunity for him to listen to the concerns of the professors and staff, and he also honored some retiring employees.

   The Rector inspected various administrative and pedagogical departments, especially the process of migrating data from the « JISCO » platform to the « PROGRES » platform in preparation for the upcoming academic season.

   He issued important directives to the center’s staff to expedite the steps towards comprehensive digitization of all administrative and pedagogical processes. He also addressed the concerns of the employees and granted exceptional permission to UCT (University of Continuous Training) employees and professors from southern states, who meet the requirements and wish to continue their academic journey in the same centers due to the distance, starting from the next season.