University of Continuous Education

 Participation of the University Rector  in the Ceremony Honoring Top Graduates at Blida Center

Participation of the University Rector in the Ceremony Honoring Top Graduates at Blida Center

University Rector  Prof. Yahia Jafri, along with the Secretary General of the University, Senian Abdelkarim, participated in the ceremony at Blida Center dedicated to honoring the top graduates.

The event was attended by the Rector  of Blida 2 University, the Rector s of Medea and Khemis Miliana Centers, and several officials from Blida 1 University. The ceremony was notable for the strong and organized presence of the Blida Center community and the media.

At the end of the ceremony, certificates were distributed and the top graduates were honored. A short video about Palestine was shown, and everyone observed a minute of silence in memory of the martyrs of Gaza.

The University Rector  expressed his gratitude to the administration of Blida Center, both the managerial and academic staff, for their warm welcome and hospitality.