University of Continuous Education

 Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research visiting the Research Center for Scientific and Technical Information (CERIST)

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research visiting the Research Center for Scientific and Technical Information (CERIST)

   Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Kamal Bedari, accompanied by the Minister of Post and Telecommunications, Mr. Karim Bibi-Turki, and the Minister of Knowledge Economy and Startups, Mr. Yassine Mahdi Walid, visited the Research Center for Scientific and Technical Information (CERIST) in Ben Aknoun on March 18, 2024. The visit included the inauguration of the Digital Innovation Facility, which features an advanced data center, an academic collaborative workspace, and a digital innovation hub comprising a business incubator and entrepreneurship space aimed at stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship. It also includes an office for patents, a technology and innovation support center (CATI), and an external relations office.