University of Continuous Education

 A training course specifically for training trainers at the Continuous Training University

A training course specifically for training trainers at the Continuous Training University

   As part of the series of training sessions announced by Professor Yahia Jaafari, the Rector of the Continuous Training University, a two-day intensive training course for trainers began on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at the headquarters of the University. This course marks the first phase of a series of other training sessions. The training is aimed at equipping the trainers of the University of Continuous Training with the knowledge and skills related to the program for student project supervisors under Ministerial Decision No. 1275, as well as being a member of the National Coordination Committee for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Monitoring and the Director of the Business Incubator for the Tipaza University Center, in addition to a select group of specialized professors.

   This training course will focus on several elements to be addressed by the professors of the Entrepreneurship Center and the Business Incubator of the University  of Continuous Training, including design thinking, business model, enterprise creation, project protection, presentation techniques, and others. These elements will be employed to serve and train university professors on one hand and students carrying graduation projects or startup projects on the other hand